Sunday, November 24, 2019

Michelangelos David - Critque essays

Michelangelo's David - Critque essays This is a massive statue. Although the art textbooks and guidebooks generally say that "The David" is 434 centimeters (14' 3") tall without its pedestal, computer scientists have determined this famous sculpture, is actually three feet taller. Its 517 centimeters (17') tall and weighs well over nine tons! It sits on top of a six-foot pedestal. It was carved during the High Renaissance period from a block of marble that another sculptor had left unfinished. Michelangelo had been dissecting corpses for about five years at the time he made this sculpture, so some wonder why the head and hands are too large in comparison with the body. It is thought that since the statue was originally intended for the roof of the Florence Cathedral, the exaggerating the head and hands would have made them more visible from a distance. The statue was never placed there, but set instead in front of the Palazzo della Signoria, the center of government in Florence. As a result, its meaning changed. Rather t han being a religious image (it would have been one of several Old Testament figures on the cathedral), it became a symbol of the political strength of Florence against the forces of tyranny. It is possible that the artist intended the hand symbolize strength and power. Michelangelo, depicted him before the battle: a young man concentrated and determined to help his people and win the battle over Goliath. The slingshot he carries over his shoulder is almost invisible emphasizing that David's victory was one of cleverness, not sheer force. From a personal and modern point of view, I think that David is absolutely exquisite. It represents the ideal physical man. David looks so strong and virile. Michelangelo superbly and realistically captured the physically qualities that make a man's body attractive to a female eye. I believe that this work of Michelangelo's is considered a Masterwork because of it's realistic and careful a ...

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