Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Secret Messages Of Advertising - 1003 Words

Secret messages in advertising In today’s society, we see many persuasive languages, pictures, and videos being used in advertisements in order to grasp its consumers to buy their products. Advertisements can be seen throughout history, dating back as far when Egyptians once ruled. They used many of the techniques of ad appeals used today. Advertisements can be seen in our everyday lives, even though we might not really notice them. We might not be very perceptible to them, but they are there to get our attention. Companies spend billions of dollars each year on advertising publicly in ads and media sources. They spend billions because they know that this is the only way that they can make more money off their investment in ads. In Jib†¦show more content†¦That exhilarating feeling we get when we watch these car commercials. They make us feel rich, powerful, and successful whenever we buy these cars. It’s engraved in our minds that this is what American dreams are all about. They use many mind-sensing appeals to get you to buy their products. They really make us feel that we are testing their product out. Many beer companies can get the consumer by displaying sex appeals. They put half naked women in their ads to get the audience s immediate attention. It really makes the consumer feel like they will have â€Å"hot women† to talk to when they consume their products. Companies can also use emotional appeals as well, such as showing skinny, deprived, hungry children in TV commercials. They reach out into our minds and make us feel that we should have a heart for these poor children. This is a positive way to persuade people to donate money to those who are in dire need of help. A recent analysis I did of an emotional appeal in â€Å"OK† magazine shows two manatees, one is the mother and the other is the son/daughter. They show them really close together. They are bonding together much like us. This shows an emotional situation where the mother and baby are bonding together as she is her nurturer (Tyler et al 58). We can both relate as humans when we give care for our children. This shows that they should also be treated as humans and because of that, they are being killed by toxic algae, polluted water, and boatShow MoreRelatedThe Secret Of Marketing Your Business Successfully !1083 Words   |  5 PagesThe Secret to Marketing Your Business Successfully! 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