Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Poetry reflection Essay Example For Students

Poetry reflection Essay Torn turned and tattered Bowed burned and battered I took untended time by the teeth And bade it bear me banking Out over the walled welter cycles and the sea Through the lighthearted proceeded cuckolded sky To leave me light on a lilting planetariums. The stone walls wailed and whimpered The bold stars paled and dimpled Gonged time gathered to a grunt And bore me bled and breaking On past parted palisades windrows and the trees Over a welcomed nightshades streaked sea To drop me where? Deep in a decedents dream. Poem Reflection I chose the poem The Labyrinth by Robert P. Braid. Robert P. Braid is a doctoral candidate at the University of Chicago, and lives in Seattle. His poem, The Labyrinth, has three poetic devices; alliteration, consonance, and personification. Alliteration is the repetition of the same sounds at the beginning of words or in stressed syllables. There are many examples of alliteration in The Labyrinth. In the first stanza, Torn turned and tattered and Bowed burned and battered are examples of alliteration. The uses of the t and b sounds are repeated through the phrases. In the last stanza, bore me bled and breaking and Deep in a decedents dream are more examples. Even though there are words without the repeated sounds, such as me and in, the repetition of the b and d sounds conveys alliteration. Another poetic device used is consonance. Consonance is similar to alliteration, except the repeated consonants are at the ending of words. In the second stanza, Through the lighthearted proceeded cuckolded sky is an example of consonance. The -eked ending is the repeated sound. Another example is the phrase Over a windbreaker nightshades streaked sea, in the last stanza. The -ked ending is the repeated sound in this example. Lastly, the other poetic device used in The Labyrinth is personification. Personification is the attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something nonhuman, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form. In the third stanza, The stone walls wailed and whimpered is an example of personification. The poet is giving the stone walls human-like qualities. He is saying he walls wailing and whimpering, which, obviously, walls cannot actually do. Another example in the third stanza is The bold stars paled and dimpled. In this example, the poet is giving human characteristics to the stars. He is saying they paled and dimpled. The poem The Labyrinth had three poetic devices; alliteration, consonance, and personification. Along with the other devices, the rhythm and rhyme of this poem was more free verse, with a few rhyming couplets. They were broken down and explained. This poem by Robert P. Braid was written to convey death and despair.

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