Friday, December 20, 2019

The Importance Of Education In Education - 1303 Words

Introduction: The problem that has been going on in society for many years now is that children with wealthy backgrounds receive a better education than low income students due to the fact that wealthy people tend to send their children to private institutions that have a different curriculum than public schools. This problem has limited American equity because â€Å"Only 28% of high school graduates from high-poverty schools enrolled in four-year universities, compared to 52% of graduates from low-poverty schools† (Chen, pg 3). This is a very important problem because the education system isn’t helping students â€Å"dig their way out of the poverty into which they were born† (Chen, pg 3). The inequality of the educational system affects students†¦show more content†¦Until in 1954, the Brown vs. Board of Education came into play and the Supreme Court established that separate public schools for blacks and whites was unconstitutional because it wasn†™t fair that blacks weren’t given the same opportunity and education as whites. This case changed America at the time to a better place because it â€Å"ended legal segregation in public schools† which built â€Å"hope and courage† (â€Å"National Park Service†). Originally, â€Å"the case was filed in February 1951† (â€Å"National Park Service†) but the Supreme Court didn’t acknowledge it until they realized that children were impacted by this and that’s when they decided to take action. Furthermore, 3 years later 9 African American students enrolled in a predominantly white high school called the Little Rock Central High School. The students decided to do this to test and see if the Supreme Court’s ruling was really effective (â€Å"Integration of Central High School†). In 2003, the House of Representatives created a bill that reinstalled a voucher program that benefited low income students and provided them the opportunity to attend private and independent schools ( McKnight). Here, the program was no longer available in 2009 because of Obama’s administration so the students who were already in the program kept the benefits until they graduated however, no newcomers were allowed. Obama did not favor the program at all, heShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Education - Importance Of Education864 Words   |  4 PagesImportance of education When I was younger, I firmly believed that my education didn t matter. During my freshman year I had no attention to pass any of my classes. I could care less because I was an illegal immigrant and all odds of me ever to attend university were nowhere to be seen. 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